
Goldstein - Yes; Blogspot - No

So I spend quite a while writing up a post about my local candidate, Sam Goldstein here in Trinity-Spadina (Toronto).

I explain why he and his team have run a dedicated, active campaign when the temptation exists, in a riding like Trin-Spad which is notoriously tough on Tories, to simply be a paper candidate. (I, by the way, am honoured to be on that team ... I just wish that work et al. had not prevented me from doing even more.)

I talk about who Sam is, and why any conservative living in Trinity-Spadina should give him their vote, and not try and be cute by voting for Olivia Chow in the hopes of defeating Tony Ianno, the Liberal incumbent (who, make no mistake, does deserve a good ol' fashioned whuppin' at the polls tomorrow).

And I go on to say how important it is to get behind candidates who are running for the CPC in places like Toronto, so that we can remove the stranglehold that the Libs (and perhaps, in some areas after tomorrow, the NDP) have on ridings in Toronto, even if it is a slow and, at times, frustrating process.

I do all of that, and more ....

.... and then the Goddamned Blogspot crashes on my machine. My post is gone and it aint coming back.

So here it is: it may take time. It will take effort. And in the short term, it may not be as "fun" as working for Tory candidates in ridings that are seen as more winable. But even if the Tories are as successful as I hope they are tomorrow night, we need to keep building, and keep working, in this riding and across the "416", until the Libs and NDP are forced to stop taking Toronto for granted.

And in my own corner of Toronto, Trinity-Spadina, that means supporting Sam Goldstein.

More later.


At 10:10 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

My wife and I voted for Sam in the advance polls. This might be a "leftist" riding, and there was a slight tempation to vote strategically, but I couldn't bring myself to vote for liars and thieves or for a party two steps removed from Communism. At least I can sleep well at night knowing that I put my vote where my conscience is.

At 10:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about it not being as exciting in a riding we'll win by over 59% but wish I could have helped back east. our very of luck tomorrow we'll be cheering for the Blue from out West !!!

At 10:44 p.m., Blogger WE Speak said...

In an average riding of 118,000 there are usually 18 to 20,000 Conservatives. The trick is finding them all and then getting them out to the polls. It may not happen the first time, maybe not even the second time, but eventually the hard work will pay off. When people like you do the work, the results will follow.


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