
I'm probably reading too much into this ...

... but I have to wonder if this may be a sign that the Liberals are worried that Stephen Harper's anti-same-sex marriage campaign is getting some support amongst new Canadians?

Maybe, maybe not, but it certainly sounds like the Libs are trying to pin down what they see as the "new Canadians" vote in advance of an election.

Which leads me to another question: has anyone ever done an actual study into whether the whole "new Canadians vote Liberal" thing is still true (assuming that it ever was)? It's probably my own bias talking, but I find it more than a little offensive and/or patronizing that we can assume that an "ethnic group" votes as a bloc for a particular party.

I would prefer to believe that "new Canadians" (and for the purposes of this discussion, I will define that term as immigrants and their children) vote along the same lines as Canadians as a whole within their geographic region. In other words, the divide is amongst different regions of the country, not races or ethnic groups (for instance, a majority of "new Canadians" and "others" would have voted in the last election for the CPC in, say, Calgary, while a similar majority would have voted in the last election for the LPC in, say, Toronto). But I wonder if anyone has ever done any research to find out.

If you know, please share your wisdom here.

More later.


At 8:09 p.m., Blogger The Tiger said...

I'd say there's a tendency to vote Liberal, but it can be overcome. For instance, I have heard rumblings that a good many Indo-Canadians will be voting Conservative this next time.

(At any rate, barring any unusual events, I'll be going with my dad to see Stephen Harper speak to the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce on Monday at lunch.)

And the Conservative caucus has more visible minorities than the Liberal one. For whatever that's worth. (Not all that much, but what the heck.)

Last year, I was a law student at Dal, and almost everyone was voting Liberal or NDP, so who am I to judge?


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